These communities repeat themselves on the cooler aspects and where the soil pH ranges between 6.25 and 7.0. This particular patch ranges from BLUE.44 almost back to the Mt Creek Lodge.The trail is located 30 m below the plot. Between here and the trail the community remains the same. Above the plot 30m the slope becomes even steeper here and the forest is also quite similar.;Rich colluvial toeslope. Lots of large sandstone boulders and loose shale sliding down the slope. Large amounts of the spice bush are dying back.
Large patch. Rich colluvial toe slope. Quercus rubra and Tilia americana dominate the T2 and Acer saccharum the T3. There is also a small amount of Quercus muehlenbergii in the T3. Lindera benzoin would have large coverages in both the S1 and S2 but it ha